I was able to remove the play doh out of the carpet!!! YAY : )
Still having a really fun Summer!!! Luke and Lindsey just finished VBS and next week they will attend a camp with Luke’s teacher from last year whom we LOVE! Lainey is growing and changing so fast as you can see below. I want either her or time to stop so that we can film her every second of every day as not to forget her jaw-dropping cuteness!
We bid on and won a “beauty event” by Christian Dior at the kids school auction. So for my birthday, I invited my very special friends to it and lunch/spa afterwards. We had a really great time and were actually able to have conversations with each other without little ones tugging on us or demanding our undivided attention! I added some pictures from that below as well.
And then of course my chip clip princess and Luke with his buddy Jake rocking out : )